Ideas within topic science,economics: (click suns to rate or comment on ideas)

1 Some governments give poor people cheap public housing, but they need to wait a long time to get it, they must live in a certain place, and people fake poverty to qualify. Instead, raise taxes to pay everyone cash, and let people rent wherever they want. E-mail
2 Highly populated countries like China and India, instead of forcing the people to have only one child, can have income tax (or other taxes) brackets depending on the number of children. This will have a good impact with out a hard rule. E-mail
3 Give every person in the world equal allowances to emit greenhouse gasses, and require large emitters to buy allowances from people on an open market. This will bypass countries and corruption and will benefit poor people. E-mail
4 States or provinces tend to spend all their income when the economy grows, then need to cut spending in a recession, just when more spending is needed. Countries should tax states in expansions and pay them in recessions in order to create balance. E-mail
5 To prevent financial tsunamis, countries or UN should define companies that are "too big to fail" and assign a regulator to declare others that fall outside the definition, then put a public official on their boards and limit their leverage and risk. E-mail
6 Banks that are "too big to fail" threaten the world economy if they do fail. To prevent banks from getting so big, government should force breakups or block mergers of banks/companies with assets or liabilities > 1 day of world GDP (0.3% of annual GDP). E-mail
7 IPO auctions: companies lose money when their stock prices rise just after their initial public offerings. Companies should auction their shares to the highest bidders instead of the current practice of fixing a price and choosing buyers by lottery. E-mail
8 To reduce plastic waste, charge, worldwide, a tax on plastic production at source (ethylene cracking?). Reducing, reusing, recycling, and replacing would then become cheaper than making new plastic. E-mail
9 To better predict the magnitude of technological improvement, such as increases in oil reserves, use a top-down approach (extrapolating overall statistics), rather than bottom-up (trying to predict technology). Moore's Law is an example. E-mail
10 The rate of interest of World Bank & other development bank loans to a country/state should be in proportion to its population growth rate (along with other factors). This will act as an impetus to the govt. to try to reduce the PGR further. E-mail
11 Prisoners should be put to work building windmill machinery for creating renewable electricity. The valuable devices created would reduce or eliminate the cost. E-mail
12 To prevent corrupt lending, banks could randomly & secretly assign applications to loan officers to prevent borrowers from bribing them. Assign multiple officers for big loans. Punish officers for defaulted loans & reward them for loans repaid. E-mail
13 The government stimulus money should be used to offer low interest loans to businesses to expand. More jobs equals more tax payers. It would be good for government to get the money back with interest also, even if minimal.
14 To cap greenhouse gas emissions and fairly spread the cost, divide current emissions by the Earth's population, and let each country emit at that same per capita rate. Nations exceeding their limit must buy emission quotas from nations under their limits. E-mail
15 To preserve forests, nations may contribute (in proportion to their greenhouse gas production) to a fund to pay "rent" to countries or regions in proportion to their forest area. The more forests they clear, the less rent they get. E-mail
16 To control ballooning pension expenses as the population ages, don't set a fixed retirement age. Instead, calculate the retirement age as a proportion of current life expectancy at birth, for example, 85% of 80 would be 68 years. E-mail
17 Governments should use marginal cost of money--the most lives that could be saved by the next million dollars (example: 300 lives by vaccination)--to gain perspective by showing budgets in lives, not dollars, spent by not doing that. (opportunity, utils) E-mail
18 To keep the Euro stable while allowing Keynesian economic stimulus, allow EU country deficits of 6% - (GDP growth rate + .05 * debt as % of GDP), in terms of % of GDP, thus permitting a low-debt country to spend more to recover from recession. E-mail
19 For Japan to recover from its recession, the government can just print money. That would stimulate the economy, incur no debt, and counter deflation (without causing inflation, if done in moderation). E-mail
20 Governments should provide medical care for everyone for nominal fees. This would reduce costly insurance paperwork and confusion over payment rules. Pay for it by cutting doctors' salaries, drug prices, and treatments determined to be inefficient. E-mail
21 Accounting reform: Companies pay accountants now, which is a conflict of interest that has caused fraud. Instead companies should pay an accounting tax to government, which then hires accountants or uses civil servants, as for the FDA approving drugs. E-mail
22 Scientifically study irrational thought and behavior, its psychological causes and courses, so that it can be predicted and disasters prevented, such as war due to group pride, economic booms/busts, cults, etc. E-mail
23 The Baby Boom is famous, but shouldn't we analyze the Baby Bust? The birth rate in the now-rich countries was probably low from 1930-1945 due to depression and war. The Busters are now becoming elderly, affecting economics and medical care. E-mail
24 A book or movie about what the world would be like if immigration among countries was open to all. It would be very different. E-mail
25 Since 1990, hearing aids can be digital, however, Moore's Law has not applied. The problem is all the people between the manufactured product and the end user. Please contact me to help find a way to make "open source hearing aids". E-mail
26 Governments should lend money directly to citizens to stimulate the economy. E-mail
27 Make a prison as an off-shore free economic zone. Criminals in USA are a significant fraction of population and bear a great enterpreneurial spirit. Thus many of such zones may become breeding grounds of new economic life forms to benefit society. E-mail
28 During the Carter administration the US government gave tax breaks to companies that developed energy conservation or alternative energy products. It helped start many innovative companies. We should do it again.
29 Worldwide, terrorism doesn't kill many people, but it does cost a lot of money. Give huge rewards to people who turn in terrorists, and use remainder of money saved to help everyone. E-mail
30 Hodges' Health Career (Care Domains) Model [h2cm] provides a concept map that can be applied universally. The model encourages holistic approaches, reflection and sharing of ideas to promote understanding. E-mail
31 To help houseowners in UK in these difficult times, Government should deduct the interest amount payable on mortgages from taxable income like other countries.
32 Governments that need money often end subsidies and raise gasoline prices suddenly, provoking public strikes that force a reversal. To avoid this, raise petrol costs gradually. At 2%/month, prices will double in 3 years. E-mail
33 The best way to network destitutes is for the cost of their care to be paid for by the entire country. This will pressure everyone, from the top down, to work to prevent birth of children who can't be cared for. This will bring nearly universal relief. E-mail
34 A global body should be established and endorsed by all countries to regulate personal incomes on the basis of a persons's contribution to human welfare -- celebrities should not be paid obscene fees while nurses and teachers receive low salaries. E-mail
35 Transfinancial Economics: New money could be created responsibly for governments without taxation. Likewise, NGOs could be largely funded in this manner without fundraising. E-mail
36 To solve outflow of production jobs from developed countries, move rapidly toward near total factory automation, and impose import tax, thus putting world back towards an equilibrium and allowing each nation to decide its own fate. E-mail
